October 24, 2023

Still Reeling From The Truth Tellers

There is no doubt that Port Angeles is a city committed to inclusivity, the homeless and loons but The Port Angeles City Council got an earful meeting on October 17 2023 by those tired of the town being transformed into a Shit Hole community advocated by the very same lunatics that want America, to become a Shit Hole, third world Country.

Port Angeles believes that the varied cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives of its residents enrich the community and contribute to its strength. An apology was issued to those who felt uneasy or threatened by the incident, oh, the poor babies.

The administration believes that a safe, inclusive, and welcoming community can be achieved through collaboration. Of course what that means is to just sit down and shut up and just take what the liberal lunatics dish out during their lunatic love fest every other Tuesday.

If The City wants “to continue to work towards building a community that is safe, inclusive, and welcoming to all,” then stop advocating more housing for more homeless that are now lining our streets and sidewalks waiting for all of the free low income housing the liberal lunatics advocate for.

We all remember when that downtown military display was installed, lunatics like this City Clerk, this, Kari Martinez-Bailey, went nuts when the taxpayers and citizens were actually able to have their say and of which were no doubt [for] the display, Martinez-Bailey went then running around like a lunatic sreaming out that all comments should be stopped even at City Council meetings.

October 24, 2023 5:11am