December 6, 2024

Did Port Angeles Manager Nathan West Commit Perjury?

During a Federal Interrogatory City Manager West, at the very least, gave false testimony and on multiple counts.

This does not seem to concern those at The City Council however all of whom not only want a happy face put on everything Port Angeles but are now apparently not only covering up the criminal activity at City Hall but condone lying in Federal Court and went along with the lies.

Lindsey Charmin Wormer, Port Angeles Council Member, also lied, to me directly, and in an email that I still retain by saying that Manager Nathan West did not block all communications to The City Council, a separate Governmental Body and, on two occasions and of which, The Council gave no authority to do.

West had lied in The Federal Interrogatories and while at almost the very same time he was sending a message to The Council that he,West, records clerk Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Attorney William Bloor and Police Chief Brian Smith had indeed blocked all email communications, by using their filtering system, and was now providing them, The Council, their emails via hard copy in their on site inboxes.

When you think of this unlawful conduct think of Watergate, that’s where, as most of you know, was when Administration was spying on those outside their purview and authority.

Also think about it this way, if Gov Inslee’s Administration was blocking all emails from reaching any and all State Representatives, also a totally separate Governmental Body, to 'monitor' 'that' activity.

Lindsey Charmin Wormer, et al, told me that he, and they, “were receiving their emails directly” but that was not true and in fact, an outright lie, proven not only by my word but in a document on record that West had created with his own words and had provided The Council and that I, provided The Courts.

The Council apparently did not grant permsission to do this but has failed to take action.

This behavior also not only violates RCW 42.56 and specifically RCW 42.56.080(2) “Shall not distinguish among requesters,” a claim of which does not “require that records are denied” as some uneducated panels on WA ST Appellate Courts suggest but also RCW 9.73, Intercepting and Opening Private Communications.

Port Angeles Polce Chief Brian Smith should also be charged with…

RCW 42.20.100

Failure of duty by public officer a misdemeanor.

Whenever any duty is enjoined by law upon any public officer or other person holding any public trust or employment, their wilful neglect to perform such duty, except where otherwise specially provided for, shall be a misdemeanor.

December 6, 2024 5:33am