National Issues 2020-2022
December 28, 2020
The Republican Cowards Say A Woman Made Them Do It
The Cowards schemed to bloat the debt because they too are unafraid of the shopping network that rather peddle cook books, coffee mugs, Christmas socks, ditz talk turkey fryers and play entertaining music.
95% of the “conservatives” voted for the mess while The Fox Clowns expanded their Fun Follies content and blamed “Antifa” for, Cori Bush.
I have never viewed News Max because my cable does not offer it but considering it is nothing but Bush hacks and Fox rejects I doubt it is much better, perhaps it is not quite so entertaining however which Fox personnel take as a compliment.
December 28, 2020 6:51am
December 14, 2020
Fox Has It’s Own Credibility Problems
The cook book and Christmas socks network’s latest nut was as wrong as the mental midgets saying Wendy’s was "white women." Portland's “Red House” is Black Lives Matter, a few whites don’t make it “Antifa.”
As for “liability,” courts and torts already distinguish frivolous from merit. Contradictory however for the left to now want funds for local Police.
But leave it up to law makers to waste time and money when both can be dramatically reduced, there is no need to enact some bloated “rent relief” when a simple check will suffice, look how badly the PPP program was abused.
December 14, 2020 6:49am
December 7, 2020
PPP Is A Big Bloated Budget Busting Boondoggle
All under set income can pay “rent” with checks, minority carve outs is reparations. 10/12 I supported reduced claims of which I haven‘t filed in 40 years, I’ve also received more calls for service since my heydays.
I also did not support reducing liability, remember Deep Water Horizon, I never did support The Keystone Pipeline, obliterate the filthy thing.
I actually did write the new company, T C Energy that took over for TransCanada when they bailed out due to all of the turmoil and reduced need for their filthy product. Then the Canadian Government bribed T V Energy to keep the project.
December 7, 2020 6:34am
November 30, 2020
President Kamala And Hop-Along Joe Absolutely Want Senate
Those saying the two want a foil are wrong, they want the senate, the radicals can be vetoed oh and the ?Tech? hearings, were a month ago, the GOP had until the January 20 to actually do something besides whine.
6 million. as I warned, were not impressed with the self promoting 24/7 infomercial network, ?antifa? mantra or Hannity?s, stale script.
But hey, it?s all about the ratings as I also have said right and is pretty obvious an no matter what it does to America or the presidency, as long a Fox has good ratings and beats the other networks that?s all that matters to the trophy network.
November 30, 2020 6:29am
November 16, 2020
America Is Worth Appointing Electors In Disputed States
Governors would then oppose the will of the people?s representatives. 2024 is as far fetched as relying on a comedy network increasingly leftist, instead, build a conservative channel actually taken, seriously.
RE: De-funding; Officers can now name their price including refusing restrictions on tactics and as I said, they need more weapons, not less.
Every time there is an outbreak of black violence ?the police? are the villains not the blacks, no one can arguably claim that violence can be halted by deploying, ?social services.? Sometimes animals just have to be euthanized.
November 16, 2020 6:49am
November 9, 2020
Book Peddling Clown Acts And Ratings Gimmicks Don?t Get Votes
Jerry Seinfeld never won an election nor did the network about nothing. As I said, voters did not care about Mrs. Clinton?s emails, Flynn, Fauci, "the media," Hannity?s Byrna or their cutesy turkey fryer conversation.
A record number liked Kamala including the entire southwest, Georgia, and Black Lives Matter advocates, as I said, it?s absolutely about race.
The high school losers, disguise as fair and balanced, just want to finally be popular and also had more segments with leftist than GOP. They will also act like nothing happened and joke about everything as a cover up for their, failures.
November 9, 2020 6:41am
October 19, 2020
Savannah Guthrie Acted No Different Than Chris Wallace, Fox
Fox and the GOP whine every four years, after the fact. Wallace then Scully now Kristen Welker. The GOP also talked about 230, for years, talked, while Fox was increasing it?s book peddling and clown hours.
Leftists, more concerning the FBI aided and abetted by Fox to appease, designate only whites groups to divert when Blacks actually do, kill cops.
Putting country over politics should be the main goal, the GOP will not get a significant number of black votes to dramatically increase the chance of winning, years away from that yet if ever, many minds need to be first changed.
October 19, 2020 6:43am
October 12, 2020
Fox Is Weak, Cowers To The Left And On Constant Defense
Equal justice but not for the dozen misguided young men who engaged in no violent acts unlike The Black Terrorists who destroy entire cities and rape American women then released without bail to serially offend.
RE: Stimulus; Help wanted signs are abundant, $300 enhanced and the checks for immediate aid both parties can tout. No Grand Bargains.
The true supremacist make a big mistake in opposing law enforcement and targeting cops, they, are not the enemy. Any wannabes out there need to be better at planning and realize who the real targets and enemies are.
October 12, 2020 6:44am
October 5, 2020
Make The Left Denounce Black Lives Matter, Grow Nuts GOP
The number one in book peddling and self promotion is getting their asses kicked. The lame response to white supremacy is being laughed at by Biden who was not forced to denounce Systemic Black Terrorism.
No one takes the life of the party seriously, Fox? kindergarten hours don?t raise the polls nor does dime store merchandise or blaming Antifa.
Fox may get the rating but as I have said a million times, rating don?t translate into votes an neither does the daily nicey nice everything?s perfect and everyone?s a hero. Books sales may even reach a million but nearly 200 million vote.
October 5, 2020 6:39am
September 28, 2020
Fox? President Kneels To Black Lives Matter, Offers Reparations
The Schizophrenic Hypocrites want Bloomberg in prison for buying votes yet support the blatant attempt by their disparate president.
Joannie one note no agenda Lara Logan can't name a half dozen crimes by verified Antifa members. I support no group but irrelevant KKK, unlike Black Lives Matter, don't shoot cops or burn entire American cities.
Black Lives Matter is the true terrorist group, Antifa or the KKK do not go nuts every time a black is stop for a simple traffic violation. All anarchy is as old as the universe itself but to ignore the most violent offenders is futile.
September 28, 2020 6:33am
September 21, 2020
De-fund Faux Conservatives, Strict Constitutionalists Only
Fox has so alienated white suburban woman by blaming America?s ills on the 63% of the population hoping to gain votes from males in the 13% that a female nominee won?t be significant in the replacement of RPG.
Black Lives Matter are the true terrorists yet Fox blames Antifa who does not, as I have impeccably posted, have a clear and vocal presence.
Football rating were down, though temporally, people tire not of white women, certainly I don?t, but of The Systemic Black Terrorists. I will delete the photos and never buy another ticket if they don?t? shut up!
September 21, 2020 6:49am
September 14, 2020
Congratulation President Trump For The Two, Nominations
The Nobel Peace Prize is not for North Korea though as The Fox Clowns hastily touted but The President also heads educated round tables and interacts with voters while his opponent shuttles between empty rooms.
Remote Joe has one main rational for running, my wife my daughter died my son died my dog died and my gold fish got flushed so please feel sorry for me.
The key as everyone knows is the mail in voting, a prior post showed just as easy it is to manipulate the vote, voters can vote for anyone in states like Washington of which voters, regardless of how they are registered, can vote for either party.
September 14, 2020 6:45am
December 30, 2020
Most Cops Aren?t Fired
Out of about 11,000 officers in the state over the past four years, an average of about 100 a year were fired, and more than 40 a year had misconduct serious enough that their own supervisors flagged them for decertification.
Of those, just 13 a year on average lost their credential. The state has never decertified an officer for using excessive force.
Voters here passed one of the most restrictive police accountability laws in the nation in 2018, leading prosecutors to file murder charges against an Auburn officer. But Washington still relies on an antiquated decertification system that prevents authorities from taking the final step. Officers with checkered histories are able to move onto another department, where research has shown they are more likely to once again violate the public trust.
Other states have also tightened up their decertification laws in recent years, but police unions successfully fought reform efforts in Olympia. As the nation simmers over racial injustices in policing, advocates and legislators are trying to focus public outrage on reforming the law, which hasn?t been updated since it was written almost two decades ago.
Barriers to decertification
Legislators created the CJTC in 1974 to train police, but it wasn?t until 2002 that it gained the authority to issue and revoke certifications, which officers are required to have.
None of the police unions opposed decertification when it passed, an indication, observers say, that it contains strong protections for officers.
This is not new. It?s a systemic, national concern, these structural flaws continue to enable officers to be recycled from department to department in ways that undermine public trust and confidence.
On average, decertification cases take about two years before reaching some resolution. But they can last much longer as the appeals play out, a provision that critics say delays justice. As one Federal Way officer fought his firing in court, the CJTC waited nine years until it ultimately declined to decertify him.
December 30, 2020 5:31am
August 31, 2020
It Is Absolutely About Race
Fox tries to rehabilitate this Victor Davis Hanson moron who said 8/10 “it’s not about race anymore" and the drug pusher agreed even after the Chicago cornrow vindicated my “reparations” warnings of which blacks should forfeit to whites plus NBA and NFL proceeds to rebuild America.
Polls agree with me and want to end Systemic Black Terrorism of which the perpetrators are not “white suburban Antifa women.” Hanson should pull his head out of his institutional ass and smell his own bullshit.
Since the beginning eye for an eye has been my way, I am not making the assertion but if de-funding the postal service is on the agenda then it is about time the GOP grew some nuts and take on the left at their own game.
August 31, 2020 6:33am
August 10, 2020
Fox Kneels To Systemic Black Terrorism I, Support Mail In Voting
Every time Fox blamed Whites for killing cops and China, (that funds Blacks), while kicking back, I voted for another democrat, what?s the difference, at least ?the media? had the I Q to not blame Wendy's on, "all white women."
Blaming whites and ?the ?media,? while claiming to be number one, may just get Hannity the ?wall ?with his, ?big door.? The ?I don?t support boycotts? loser and gee the Byrna water pistol should teach ?em. Unlike the rainy east coast, here it?s 80s and my lake property is readied, and beautiful. Vacation Time.
Funny I don?t ever see ?Antifa? Lives Matter? Graffiti on NBA courts but the network is trying to get that last black vote even praising their president for letting out thousands of criminals while, as usual, accusing the left of the same thing.
August 10, 2020 6:22am
August 3, 2020
The Anti Politically Correct Schizophrenics Blame Whites
Fox' ?Antifa? kick is to appease it?s out of shape fake wrestler racist, Tyrusha. There is no ?Antifa Lives Matter? Plaza,? street paintings, printing press, yard signs, clothing or ?dead cops now? marches. I also opposed funding the very same institutions and leagues supporting America?s version of ISIS Terrorists.
I also said the ?Wendy?s arsonists? ?are not ?white Antifa Women? 6/15, before any arrests. But no one takes The Low I Q Mental Midgets seriously anyway. Gee, don?t respect Covid, blame Fauci for the quarter of a million deaths.
Only Fox could tout and make a celebrity out of a big fat out of shape racist blob it proudly displays on it comedy network. But that has been the M O from the start, put up a false front and hope toothless viewers are dumb enough to eat it up.
August 3, 2020 6:41am
July 27 2020
GOP Bails Out Teacher's Unions, Fox Funds Kneelers, Polls Tank
I might enjoy open borders GOP taught a lesson, Keystone being obliterated, guaranteed supplemental income, ?the most powerful name in news? still tout their ratings yet admit it's ?the real power media? to blame for an humiliation.
Polls vindicate my 5/25 "50,000" more are dead scriptures and as I said 7/20, a huge majority do not want their kids killed by Fox? reopen schools debacles. The out of touch network also lost credibility when it?s Low I Q mental midgets reported ?all Wendy?s arsonists? are ?white Antifa women,? as I said 6/15, none are.
What else can you expect from a network that prides itself on it?s clown acts, even they admit they ?are clowns ?that shouldn?t be taken seriously.? Their president should be angry considering he is losing and they are laughing it up.
July 27, 2020 6:29am
July 20, 2020
Once Again Three Quarters Agree With Me, No Reopen
The Fox, GOP Schizophrenics might get ratings for their clown acts but once again will lose another culture war. The low I Q brain dead whine about the ?indoctrination? while advocating to increase funding and sending kids back to the very same institutions pampering the anti white anti American kneelers.
The Black Brooklyn Bridge Bastards are also not ?white Antifa women? but animals showing their true colors as I also said not afraid of the Fox agenda willing to buy tickets to fund those very same supporting the violence.
There is, as I had said many times throughout, a big disconnect between ?ratings? and winning a culture war. No one, as I also said a million times takes clowns seriously when even they admit they are clowns not to be taken seriously.
July 20, 2020 6:31am
July 13, 2020
I Fully Support Keeping Schools Closed, Permanently
Before the hype I had long advocated through my scriptures and local school districts for remote education only. If the GOP traded mere complaining for vision and nuts they would tie a pull chain to the mind tool used like Play Doh.
It is conservative for just one instructor to teach millions during a subject block saving Trillions by ?dismantling? infrastructures, teacher's unions, salaries, and "defunding? the kneeling black athletes. Parents could ensure Calculus Engineering and Quantum Physics are taught not painting public roadways.
This won?t happen any time soon because everyone is all talk and no one has my vision or, my nuts. The right has complained about the education in America for decades but like everything else, the GOP hasn?t done Squat.
July 13, 2020 6:33am
July 6, 2020
Apparently The Lives Horace Jr And Secoriea Turner Don?t Matter
I would invite the families to The White House and recognize the loss and use the opportunity not as a prop but to evidence The Black Lives Matter Problem is an unnecessary path of hypocritical destruction even for their own brothers.
Fox? President enjoyed 50% before the Corona overdose. Both went against my advice and pushed drugs and a 24/7 quick reopen mantra while mocking ?Fauchi? and ?the ?models? irrelevant to the important fact, deaths were rising. Drop ?Keep,? America is in fact experiencing turmoil, ?Make" America Great.
I would also use the same appearance to This idea that looting and burning is now allowed in America because a few blacks are mad is absurd, would that mean then that whites can now behave in a similar manner and when ever they too decide to throw a temper tantrum.
July 6, 2020 6:41am
June 29, 2020
Biggest Threat To America According To Fox Idiots, Educated White Women
Dumbfuck Domenech also blames petite white women for destroying statues including ?Jackson? although only men were arrested, but I guess it was also (white) women who were The Black Twerp with the bat, making threats on T V and beating 4, frail, innocent blacks with a 2x4. Good luck with women voters.
The GOP then Fox' mental midgets wasted 40 years hoping to turn millions of imported anti white anti American racist predators into votes. I had throughout history and 3/25/19 warned judges mean squat and Mt Rushmore, was next.
No one can explain why Fox is blaming whites for the clear black committed crimes and are perpetrating 95% of it as my first paragraph reiterates. Perhaps to keep the house blacks happy and to get the black vote but won?t happen.
June 29, 2020 6:40am
June 22, 2020
Transcripts: Fox, ?All? Arsonists Are White Antifa Women?
Black Lives Matter is a ?systemic? cockroach nest that needs exterminated, it has more support and funding than Antifa and has done much more damage to America. Those companies should face open consequences for providing financial and vocal support for the four Cowardly Black Bastards in this video.
Fox? ?institution ?thinkers? ?no agenda? Lara Logan and low I Q clowns may be obsessed with ?Antifa? but have no evidence linking it to Wendy?s nor any activity as I, rightly said, 6/8-6/15, and are as ?white? as George Zimmerman.
Fox? president is as much to blame for the burning down of America as anyone, maybe even more than the Black Lives Matter Terrorists, reforms have in fact released thousands of violent criminals for hopes of 2 or 3 black votes.
June 22, 2020 6:34am
June 15, 2020
GOP To Appease Black Lives Matter Terrorists, Alienating Their Voters
Fox? demented idiots can not conveniently blame (white) Antifa for Wendy?s nor credibly claim these Fad groups ?fail? ?historically? when change results. It?s the GOP kowtow happy talk that fails as I, had said for decades. America is now being governed by Somali pirates and Central American gangs.
Hannity?s little Bryrna pea shooter is limp and feckless, Black Lives Matter bring ?Dead Cops? weapons. Voters don?t care about Michael Flynn, Emails, Dossiers, The Media, Stocks or criminal reform, check the polls dumb asses.
Carnival Barker Con Man Johnnie One Note Hannity needs new material, his loyal viewers obvious like watching reruns because they know the outcome and don?t have to think with the 30 seconds segments but it?s long since stale.
June 15, 2020 6:33am
June 8, 2020
Arrest Mayor Bowser For Desecrating Public Streets With Public Funds
Fox contributors sitting in Institutes blaming whites for the destructive chaos are demented. No one, with any I Q, thinks those, predisposed to criminality, take orders from rich white people. Black Lives Matter is Systemic, Terrorism.
The riots will subside until the thugs go on another cost free shopping spree. As I said for years, the GOP would also remove historical sites to kowtow like Ronna McDaniels did chastising Steve King yet not those beating the store owner whose husband is questionable for not using his right to deadly force.
This idea that looting and burning is now allowed in America because a few blacks are mad is absurd, would that mean then that whites can now behave in a similar manner and whose to say that the knee on the neck was actually racism.
June 8, 2020 6:33am
June 1, 2020
Behave Like Animals Get Treated Like Animals
I opposed Fox? ignorant I also condemn the inhuman destruction of America. This is not "passion" but premeditation embedded in their DNA. When animals reveal their fangs they intend to strike. Real Americans should weapon up.
Outside Agitators is relevant when charging but a media ruse to divert blame. The true perpetrators are clearly anti white Browns and Blacks. The Fox GOP criminal reform, mass immigration and DACA fuzzy showers, just as I warned, has failed, more prisons are needed as is a good dousing of pepper spray.
No one but me will admit this however because it means that they will have to admit they were wrong and they, the GOP, couldn?t turn all ot the little brown assholes into sweet little church goers and GOP supporters ready to vote Republican.
June 1, 2020 6:51am
May 25, 2020
I Too Have Freedoms, To Not Be Killed By Fox? Ignorant Social Deviants
The Schizophrenic Cowards are home hiding under their beds while their 24/7 reopen advocacy, that contradicts their own polls has literally killed 50,000 more Americans. I don?t own a DVR but one hour would crush any libel suit.
Fox? economy, though never ?booming? and now warp speed dust, rebuilt with other people?s lives and money, will also end in bankruptcy but their ratings remain high because the kick me sign left allow them to be viewed as truthful.
They are living like hermits while they mock others and advocate to go out and risk your lives. The network, as far as my information is, has never mentioned the 100,000 number, perhaps they will when reality hits, but don?t count on it.
May 25, 2020 6:47am
May 22, 2020
Joe Biden Should Not Take Advice From Two Small Dots On A Map
Biden will lose a landslide with any of the unlikable lightweight primary losers, Klobachar polls last and quit before losing her own state. Stacy Abrams may avenge the concocted reasons for her 2018 loss but will be the worst choice.
Fox and their president?s conduct is viewed as strength, can?t beat something with nothing. Biden should consider his party if he can not decisively answer each attack together with his news media who also needs to respond to their opposition.
The leftist new care package also only gave carnival barkers months of manta. The left had the upper hand with other bailouts that all GOP supported. I would have narrowed the bill to say just the ?checks? etc of which the GOP couldn?t oppose.
May 22, 2020 6:47am
May 11, 2020
Martial Arts Expert Sean Con Man Hannity Gets His Ass Kicked, Caves
The Liberty Crusaders do as I say not as I do advocacy have not, as I was the first to expose, ?reopened? and now they want ?speech? banned? together with the right of grievances of those forced to work then suffering wrongful deaths.
The Anti Free Speech Carnival Barker now says ?he doesn?t care what people say about him,? words of a loser. They also should not gleefully throw stones considering Bill O?Reilly, Eric Boling, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Roger Ailes.
Those that want to take away a women?s right to choose, without putting forth my position on that issue, are however having no qualms taking away the rights mentioned above, but ?the ?right to life? of those already living.
May 11, 2020 6:49am
May 4, 2020
Carnival Barker Con Man Sean Hannity, On Fox, Has No Reputation
Kirsten Powers always told Johnnie One Note on air and to his face he is a two bit liar yet 2 seconds in bashes ?the media,? a self fulfilling prophecy that built the insecure and juvenile ?we good they bad? ?like me better? network.
The Fox Nazi Mob are also all cowards for not ?opening up? ?their? building? and arguably culpible for inciting suicide and the killing of others for their 24/7 reelection campaign and ?reopen? Mob mantra since the 50,000 had died.
I, certainly do not want to get ill because a network mob is out of control and is advocating dangerous behavior. A slow reopen is what is required not a mass open just so a bunch of losers can tout their presidents reelection positives.
May 4, 2020 6:29am
April 27, 2020
Fox Polls Even Agree With Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, ?Stay Home?
Unrealistic reality T V con viewers, subsequent polls evidence my scriptures as did a great judge who halted Keystone. The president of liberty crusaders was scheming to ban ?protesting? and violate regulations while people died.
Fox? ?take their oil,? ?people have a right to ?protest? except with oil President was creating his very own cartel and ensuring even in a clear glut the dirtiest oil on earth crosses the northern border. Voters will also oppose big oil bailouts and more than the back to work orders of which TC Energy was imune.
I had sent the Canadian T C Energy a message on March 18 2020 at 7:30am to halt the filthy project. That is also a main cause for the loss of jobs in the American industry, the more oil you Fox idiots the more layoffs in America.
April 27, 2020 6:40am
April 20, 2020
The Fox Drug Pushers Smoking Fantasy Dust, Believes Big Bang Theory
The Schizophrenic Hypocrites should stop the remote Brady Bunch Boxes and be in studio with audiences and no distancing if the reopen reelection network practice what they preach and match their conduct to their mouths.
The Schizo civil liberty crusaders also support the state run industries advocated by their president reminiscent of Soviet Russia. As I said 4/6, his HHS enabled Kristi Noem avoid stay home orders to make ?protesting" Keystone, a felony.
Once again however the left media, though getting better from what I am able to view, is derelict and most of the time focuses on wrong issues. I still believe dividing the base and focus too on the promises made promises broken.
April 20, 2020 6:29am
April 13, 2020
Fox? Easter Bunny Lays An Egg, Children Left With Rabbit Pellets
The biggest bloated bankrupt budget buster braggart blowhard in history and The GOP used to at least ?talk? about spending cuts. The left is blamed as if their president didn?t sign his touted bailouts or brag about screwing children.
I never listened to radio but listeners view my pages, 90% oppose the bailouts that quickly has the debt from 23.5 to 30 trillion and 70% want health first not sports and the ?lock down? to continue for months despite The Disinformation The Schizos tell their viewers. Debt To GDP; 2000 58.53%, 2020 111.19%.
The Schizophrenic Reelection Network also presented an economic fantasy land that was not the ?best in history,? there is no way an economy based on dish washers even with 3.5% unemployment can create economic security.
April 13, 2020 6:43am
April 6, 2020
Anti Capitalist Republican Scandal, Control Oil Markets, Polls Now Tanking
The Fox Schizophrenics pretend to be for consumers but want higher prices to prop up stocks and placing restrictions on others while they, continue with pipelines. Big oil should halt Keystone, be more efficient and stop whining.
Fox? idiotic pipeline will further hurt U S producers as I?ve said regardless of it?s final use. Their president has not yet locked down the mid west because The Canadian Government is paying reluctant T C Energy to continue the Man Camps who already, allegedly, have germs and rape Native Americans.
The Keystone pipeline was sent a message on March 18 2020 at 7:30am by me to halt the filthy project. That is also a main cause for the loss of jobs in the American industry, the more oil you Fox idiots the more layoffs in America.
April 6, 2020 6:49am
March 30, 2020
Republican Socialism Will ? Eventually Run Out Of Other People's Money?
The Carnival Barking Schizophrenic Con Job Fox Socialists also lied for a year The China Deal was "imminent" to prop up stocks and tax scam led to rising wages but promises made promises broken 6% GDP is a limp, 2.1%.
Fox now vindicates me that their boom was an economic fraud, the millions with ?high paying jobs? just given trillions in welfare couldn't make it a week without bailouts but The Schizophrenics are not challenged by the inept left.
All ?credible? media which does not include but even Fox now agree with my, two year scriptures. all economic indicators tanked prior to the hype but if real then broaden out to the T C Energy ?Man Camps? that rape indigenous women.
March 30, 2020 6:44am
March 23, 2020
Bankrupt Trump To ?Make America His Casinos Again?
Fox? wild spender forcing businesses to guarantee payroll, employment and income is in fact socialism regardless of excuse. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Sanders and Yang can?t be credibly mocked now and have bragging rights.
The multi trillion dollar bailout scam is ripe with unlawful behavior and fraud. Go on Unemployment, remaining employed creates payroll costs and local issues including state industrial insurance if workers are not actually working.
The Keystone pipeline was sent a message on March 18 2020 at 7:30am by me to halt the filthy project. That is also a main cause for the loss of jobs in the American industry, the more oil you Fox idiots the more layoffs in America.
March 23, 2020 6:49am
March 16, 2020
Socialist Donald J. Sanders, Promises Guaranteed Income and Free College
Fox? socialist uses government to taxpayer subsidize the working unemployed to not affect the jobless rates and to keep illegal brown people in the country. If the left don?t use a big beautiful conservative wedge, they deserve to lose.
Matt Frankenstein Gaetz and Sen Rick Scott can?t talk about the clear blue sky without advocating for DACA citizenship and now guaranteed income for their Cuban population, America used to be a free market based system.
The socialist republicans can not however control the mass closures nor the Saudis who finally did what I advocated for years, cutting was futile, flooding the market with the lower ground to market destroys the American oil industry.
The Keystone pipeline, soon to be constructed and as touted would create tens of thousands of initial jobs and would stimulate like infrastructure, but neither I support and if the hyped virus is feared should come to a full stop.
March 16, 2020 6:44am
March 9, 2020
Jobs A Fraud Yet Fox? President Wants 10,000 More H-2B Guatemalans
Fed Chair Powell is a puppet of Fraud T V, the morons won?t quit until rates are -5% and every penny is laundered into stocks. Moves, however, meant to also mitigate interest from the coming taxpayer funded stimulus and bailouts.
The economic frauds omit that factory activity mining and oil use has been tanking while their border tough president?s jobs are 50% dish washers and toilet cleaners and 70% uneducated brown people now no longer needed.
Full employment does not equal a booming economy, every person in America could have a job and that would not make a booming economy, the GDP and growth are falling and remains low, that is the sign of a declining economy.
March 9, 2020 6:50am
March 2, 2020
Fox? Economic Boom Fraud Exposed, Stocks Nosedive, HISTORIC
The left also didn?t mention the declining economy for fear of disrupting ?their? portfolios and were so concerned they used a full day worshiping a basketball player who settled a rape case and an overly hyped all hip no talent Beyonce.
The reality is The Blue Collar Bust has durable goods tanking 0.2%, jobless claims surging, GDP plunging to 2.1% and confidence plummeted. Bloomberg should also read my page, the debt is not currently 20 trillion but 23.5 trillion.
You candidates should wonder why your media hasn?t reported on the declining economy, perhaps you will be victorious being a perfectly cutesy mayor or constantly mentioning that you have won every race in Minnesota.
March 2, 2020 6:19am
February 24, 2020
Horrible Display And Conducted Debate, Totally Out Of Control
Senator Warren acts like a mean and dominate grandmother who takes her gifts and goes home if things don?t go her way. Not two seconds in she was raising her hand speaking out of turn of which, hand raising should be ban.
Senator Sanders at least has policies and none exposes the economic fraud including millions of job cuts and drop in home sales. Three polls, as I said 2/17, have Fox' president at 43%, economics is more than Stocks and 401Ks.
The Grand Illusion Carnival Barkers however do what they do best, confuse conflate and cater to their uneducated base willing to be deceived while sitting home in their trailer park drinking beer through their plastic straws.
February 24. 2020 6:49am
February 17, 2020
Polls Tank To Low 40s Plummeting Reality T V Back To Reality
State T V?s Grand Illusion Nobel Peace Prize Con Jobs quote one, month old poll and try to quash decent petrified the educated will expose their economic fraud and the rising delinquencies not caused by a few who have the sniffles.
State T V Fox and their president supported and done worse than Bloomberg who was right, the left media should remove the kick me sign. Demographic profiling is SOP, Bank of America tosses out credit cards like penny candy.
The Candidates aren?t getting help from their media inept on shouting racism and exposing the failed deportation promises simultaneously. Not only are the candidates performing well but either is their media who are also, lame.
February 17, 2020 6:33am
February 10, 2020
Blue Collar Bust, GDP, Manufacturing Tanking, This Economy Is Declining
January Jobless was 900,000, jobs created 206,000, jobs a net loss thus the jump in unemployment. Regardless of the Con Jobs that created and enable the 23.5 trillion, when one team has 206,000 the team with 900,000 wins.
Governor Whitmer knows the Midwest as I do and needs to get excited over a virus not feel good stocks. Phase One caused Historical bailout, Midwest to shed jobs and Macy?s closes hundreds of stores, thousands more, lose jobs.
But once again those that live for the moment just don?t touch my 401K have tunnel vision and even the left that oppose the current occupant and on almost every issue will cast their vote so they too do not have their stocks interrupted.
February 10, 2020 6:55am
February 3, 2020
Impeachment; State T V Fox And Their President 1, obama, 0
Stocks plummet since signing USMCA as did GDP promised to reach, 6%. Sales and earnings also suffer yet the congenital carnival barking pathological con jobs and aging cheerleaders still say the economy is ?booming.?
Fed?s Powell finally agrees with me, economy is ?modest,? meaning mediocre. A slow witted candidate and afraid of being described as negative will lose, the left needs one that excites it?s base, President Clinton won in 1992.
Former V P Biden won?t have it, he polls well now but there is still a long road to November and taking five minutes to get a sentence out will not cut it and will get beaten to a pulp with the bombastic style of Fox? president.
February 3, 2020 6:39am
January 27, 2020
Leading Economic Indicators Nosedive .3% Economy and Stocks Plummet
State T V Fox lies to you and blames, a virus, but I never will. The numbers, comprised of 10 separate indicators, and as I had said, have tanked for a year now yet approval is touted though barely above 50%, a low bar indeed.
State T V Fox and Senators will regret their cover up done quickly so their forever impeached president can get a, though hollow, Super Bowl victory when Con Job Hannity is on his knees giving lip service to a slobbering C J.
State T V Fox will con you into thinking everything is wine roses ice cream cookies and peace is breaking out in Iran and North Korea and though I have never used either R word nor ?predict? I did foresee all negative numbers
January 27, 2020 6:44am
January 20, 2020
Ayatolla 11, American Clowns, 1
State T V FOXRNC low budget and uneducated clowns also took days to even show a video of the massive destruction, CNN?s Arwa Damon was on site at al asad within hours while the snowflakes were hiding behind their 401Ks.
State T V FOXRNC vaunted China deal fails to boost it's plummeting GM Ford and Target?s U S sales, building permits that nosedived 4% or shrinking job ?openings.? The bar is now so low that 2% GDP is a booming economy.
State T V FOXRNC has gotten so sickening I can?t even watch it which of course, and I hate the term, ironic but even just a little bad news would give credibility but, they have been successful a the we good they bad self fulfilling prophecy.
January 20. 2020 6:45am
January 13, 2020
GDP Tanks, Jobs Plummet From 266.000 To 145,000, Booming Economy?
FOXRNC Cons and Liars will not be deterred however despite all of the negative economic numbers of which I have been impeccably flawless. The left could maybe actually win if they and their media weren?t such idiots.
FOXRNC Nobel Peace Prize president fumbles mumbles and bungles through his make Iran big and beautiful appeasement speech as with boyfriend Kimmy and his cable cons who consider dead Americans less important than their 401Ks.
Manufacturing is at decades low and to ease the pain and put on a spin cable mention the ?jobs were short of estimates? not that they tanked from 266 to 145,000,GM and retail plummet GDP is no where near the 4, 5, 6% promised.
January 13, 2020 6:55am
December 13, 2021
McConnell And Portman Responsible For Dead Americans
Both have resisted all Border Security and should have designated The.1.2 Trillion for 100,000 Armed Troops but instead chose a selfish new object over America. Redirect Bridge Funds for tornado recovery.
I will pay $1,000 to any viewer of The All Talk Fox Pretend Network that any Republican has offered serious Internal Security including Mass Deportations and to quash The Border Bandits controlling America.
I think my money will be safe, Fox and or it’s contributors nor the republicans, as a whole, have never had nuts to stop and or reverse the mass invasion of our country. They have never took a real stand against immigration.
December 13, 2021 6:13am
December 6, 2021
Omar Should Remove That Doggie Butt Wipe
I fully support the good Rep Boebert, McCarthy shouldn't have punished Steve King and should grow a pair of balls and publicly make the left reel in their sharks who consistently say worse on the floors of congress.
Boebert should never have reached out to apologize, snakes like Omar don’t deserve an apology. My votes don’t mean much in the Northwest but if Fox and the GOP don’t stop acting like democrats, my money will.
The Republicans, as I have said for decades, can operate at will with impunity because their media does not hold them accountable because it’s, as always, about “the next election being the most important” thus, nothing changes.
December 6, 2021 6:45am
November 29, 2021
Try Domestic Terrorist Darrell Brooks For Hate Crimes
The hooded vigilantes breaking and entering are not Antifa Antifa Antifa, the "looters" are also Black Lives Matter Domestic Terrorists enabled, as I had warned the naive, a matter of reparations without legislation.
This is steal from the rich give to Black Lives Matter Domestic Terrorists and unless the I have a Dream happy books diversity is great Fox crowd get their shoes and suits soiled life will imitate Charlton Heston, 1968.
It would take a real hard ass to not want any diversity but enough is enough, all the Fox crowd does it talk about the border none of the contributors or their guests have any answers better than mine but they all sure do talk a lot.
November 29, 2021 6:33am
November 15, 2021
Grow A Pair GOP, Vote To Send Troops
Three quarters agree with me, border visits and “leadership” “explaining” the issue for the millionth time, endless Fake T V talk and thinking they are all just cute little brown kids just wanting DACA, is over.
You walking around with your minds in your ditzy clouds and your noses in your cutesy red white and blue Christmas books also need to pull your virtuous heads out of your sanctimonious asses, America is at war.
Does anyone really expect the republicans to actually have any nuts, have they ever had any? They operate on the old standby of “never get in the way of your opponent destroying themselves, I operate on never let a good issue go to waste.
November 15, 2021 5:33am
November 8, 2021
I, Am Not Jebbie Nuts I, am Intellectually Pure
I had said Fox’ Lincoln Project wannabes advised the left to “take the 1.2 to help Biden” get his “Infrastructure Week.” The "Fair and Balanced" and, bipartisan, is more aptly debt producing GOP mental retardation.
I also said in 2020 to not blame “Antifa” and white moms for the violence. If the small balls network had man nuts they would pressure Adams to sandblast Black Lives Matter and Biden to send Troops to the border.
I, to be neutral, support a slow but completely weaning off fossil fuels, am pro environment, opposed the Trump tax cuts and think all higher income earners, mostly pro athletes should have their taxes raised, not lowered.
November 8, 2021 5:56am
October 25, 2021
Mr. Trump Again Thrown Under Bus By Fox Republicans
Meghan McCain to be a Fox contributor after being highly praised on The Cutesy and Ditzy Network. The one viewer with the intelligence to expose the Schizophrenics proposes perhaps a deal for Liz Cheney.
The Schizophrenic Hypocrites want Infrastructure to pull Biden’s ass out of the fire, were for thousands of Afghans before being against it, against mass immigration but give the same talkers time to again want DACA.
I will pay anyone 1,000 for evidence of anyone on Fox that wants to send troops to the border. At some point in time the toothless trailer park drunks that view religiously will sober up and realize how destructive the network is to conservatives.
October 25, 2021 6:29am
October 11, 2021
Kick ‘Em When They’re Down
McConnell just ensured the Portman McConnell bridge, Fox' Jebbie Nut Marc Thiessen wants passage to give Biden a win. "Fair and Balanced" is left right debate not Hypocritical contributors suffering Schizophrenia.
Mr. Trump is talking issues, where are the republicans, why isn’t a wall demanded in Infrastructure, The Haitian Terrorists are threatening war. Hannity has wanted “a wall with a “big door” for a decade, well he got it!
I am in now way suggesting that the network will fold anytime soon, too entrenched but doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t or at least undergo a major overhaul, in addition to the above they also collectively supported the Afghan refugees.
October 11, 2021 6:22am
September 7, 2021
Oh, Now The Left Is Worried About Rape
So rape is only a concern when it comes to Abortion but not when it applies to the no bail, failed prosecutions, Mass Immigration or those new voters that forever damage 9 year old girls now flooding to America.
The anti white racist terrorists that inherently view white men as the problem should be more concerned with what they are allowing into a once civilized society and prosecuting those committing the act of rape.
But as usual the right will blow an opportunity to make gains on social issues. I am not stating my position on the subject of Abortion which is one of the most intimate of all just pointing out the brain dead thinking
September 7, 2021 6:48am
August 30, 2021
The 13 Will Continue God’s Work
The 50 Senators should have their wives stop on the way home and pick up a pair of nuts. Instead of not letting a crisis go to waste, Their instinct was first mass immigration instead of sending troops to the border.
The republicans remain mum so they too can keep their 30 millions immigrants while blaming the left. When terrorists strike on American soil every single Senator who failed to protect Americans should resign.
Afghanistan can be compared and parallels and analogies can be drawn to Saigon, Dunkirk, Beirut, Benghazi, and Vietnam of which also resulted in a mass exodus but history can never have an exact replica.
August 30, 2021 6:50am
August 23, 2021
America Is Governed By The Mentally Ill
Isn’t that just ‘pecial, the sanctimonious east coast jackasses bringing upon debt, infrastructure welfare and declining living standards then cut and run from their own viewers and voters are the only ones so virtuous.
A President can’t be “Impeached” for not, importing immigrants,” Graham has always supported mass immigration and DACA. I oppose importing those too weak to fight, America doesn’t need any more republicans!
Sean Hannity used his perch and soapbox to advocate and vocalize for years that he “wanted a wall with a big door,” well he got it. Those opposed to mass immigration of any kind are not racists but simply good Americans.
August 23, 2021 6:39am
August 16, 2021
The Women Have The Nuts
Gee, bold for Thiessen to say Infrastructure helps republicans in 2022. Bennett quoted Reagan that “half a loaf is good,” Kudlow was always a spender and Bush Hacks Rove and Fleischer blamed Trump for 1/6.
Reagan was not a conservative nor, those mentioned. This, “half a loaf” is only a bridge for Portman. As I said, the GOP won’t change until you threaten their jobs of which it may take the women not a Bush flunky.
Maria Bartiromo and the lovely Laura Ingraham as I said arethe only ones brave enough to call out and go ey to eye with those double takers while Hannity plays the same ole tune and script every night still hung up on Emails and Dossiers.
August 16, 2021 6:22am
August 16, 2021
Saigon 2.0 Trumps Insurrection Farce
Biden is incapable of complex issues and should resign along with Milley and Austin more concerned with, whiteness. This also applies to the “bipartisan” Senators who should indeed have their dinners interrupted.
If conservative media doesn’t force it’s gutless nutless absentee GOP out of their hiding holes to not only finish The Wall but to deploy 100,000 troops and deport all new imports then both are as complicit as Biden.
The republicans remain mum so they too can keep their 30 millions immigrants while blaming the left. Brown and Black Terrorists are entering and it’s about time the GOP protects America or they too need to resign.
August 16, 2021 6:22am
August 9, 2021
Biden Bigger Bastard Than Grease Bag Cuomo
The most racist presidency in history purposely kills more Americans. I warned for years that Republicans also just laugh at your clown network while you sleep through your sanctimonious, Martin Luther King dream.
I said throughout, gaining voters is secondary, Blacks are not destroying history because of votes, reparations and ending white supremacy is top priority thus import only the Blackest, most unpatriotic warlords, to do it.
The mum, invisible, impotent GOP should all, be called out like the lovely Laura Ingraham did with Bill Cassidy. I guess it takes a woman to do a man’s job. Hannity caters to his trailer park crowd by repeating the same ole stale talking points.
August 9, 2021 6:54am
August 2, 2021
Cuellar For V P, Expel From Party Pencil Neck Cotton
No fan of Graham but at least an attempt unlike defeatist Tom Cotton who recently said “Biden will never deport.” Psycho cohort Bill Cassidy, while on Fox 3/14/21, also contributed to the killing of Americans.
Pencil Neck also said “we,” “we will not deport children.” Good luck in 2024 Pencil Neck. The GOP should apply constant pressure but their media allows them to play the blame game just to win the next at bat.
It is all fine and dandy to play the opposite role as the leftist media but it doesn’t solve anything but a momentary victory, so how’s America now, gee I guess they buy your happy books about how great America and it‘s” heroes” are.
August 2, 2021 6:22am
July 26, 2021
It’s Not Mental Illness Covid or Guns, It's The Blacks
The weak knee thin leg pencil neck republicans would also rather blame suburban white women for Wendy’s but the Antifa mantra lost in 2020. Allowing even more of an infestation guarantees a longer problem.
The spree is also not due to any other excuse and it will take the blacks to grow the GOP a pair of nuts. It is not racist to force the left to again chain the animals and return to mass incarceration and deportation.
I can’t help but also remind the viewers that Hannity, of Fox, though like minded on many issues, wanted “a wall with “a big door.” Well, he got his big door! The question is why is Texas allowing it to be opened.
July 26, 2021 6:39am
July 19, 2021
Only I, Rode Powell’s Ass For A Year…Hike Rates
Powell preferred to keep the Market propped up however and created a bigger problem than keeping 401Ks happy. Mnuchin also said “spend now because “interest rates are low.” First inflation, then stagnation.
Fox Fav Tom Cotton and Rick DACA Scott “will not deport children” but did nothing to stop the new Tax Credit from burdening them with debt nor have pushed for troops to keep drugs from killing American children.
T V Talkers will now claim credit but no one else was concerned as I two years ago and before the election. I have nothing to prove to prop myself up other than exposing those that are part on the east coast dishonesty factory.
July 19, 2021 6:19am
July 12, 2021
Time To Put Up Or Shut Up Republicans
Simply referring to the previous border policies won’t undo the purposely caused destruction that conservative media, after my decades long warnings to wake you up from your dream world, now admit I was right.
Mass immigration has unarguably resulted in a less patriotic America. Nearly 300 GOP members of congress yet a handful appear on media. Call for a Military Deployment and Deport all who have crossed in 2021.
The only difference between the parties is the left gives their voters in your face results while the republicans stabs theirs in the back. They have no intention doing anything to save America including defeating Infrastructure.
July 12, 2021 6:41am
June 28, 2021
Kamala Harris Is Incompetent, Ignorant And A Liar
Why Republicans, must we have “legal Immigration” are we, America, trying to build a country? This Bill Cassidy nut was on Fox News Sunday six months ago and did damage by speaking in Spanish twice to come.
Conservative media now realizes it is not racist to return the favor and defend your heritage against the true racists that have infested America. I also told you that the “Antifa” mantra would not bring a GOP victory.
I has also said that harping on Michael Flynn, Mrs. Clinton’s emails and Fauci would also not bring the GOP a victory. Not that I did not sympathize with any of those issues and talking points they weren’t going to bring a 2020 win.
June 28, 2021 6:49am
May 17, 2021
Disappointed In Tom Cruise
His boy movies never appealed to me although I did like the Vanilla Sky. Cruise has become a great action figure, the Mission: Impossible series is great, some more so, quintessential I M F was M:I-3, a Masterpiece.
Returning the Awards are why the shows are failing, they are obviously rigged. I like physical copies but may not now purchase the third in the great Reacher series, Never Go Back was another Cruise Masterpiece.
Beyonce is the biggest no talent that ever lived yet she wins for all to do about nothing but shaking those big hips of hers. Taylor Swift is much more talented, thinner, and much more attractive with that all American beauty.
May 17, 2021 6:51am
Absolutely No DACA For Border Wall
Iran should never have been paid billions for not building nuclear weapons, the seriously accused should never be given a no bail offer, Black Lives Matter should never be paid to not destroy cities and America should never negotiate it’s sovereignty or security.
Those sanctimonious and virtuous jackasses preaching from their soapbox quoting the bible or Jesus about the “precious children” should refrain from a quoting war with me. Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. America belongs to Americans and my slab contains The Ten Commandments.
Unfortunately car salesmen McCarthy will be speaker but only because of natural order (and, redistricting). Pencil Neck Cotton will now never be President after saying on Fox that “we will not send back children” of whom, I suggest, sending thousands to Arkansas.
The distain McCarthy Cheney and Kinzinger have shown for “America First” is alarming.
The Anti White Racists, The True Supremacists, strongly advocating for an increase in imports and refugees would not do so if the increases came from mostly majority white countries like that of The Royal Family of whom The Anti White Racists viciously attacked for not being part of The Anti White, Truly Racist, American only woke culture.
On 8/31/20 I once again exposed one of Fox’ highly touted Demented Babblers who had wrongly said that “it’s not about race anymore” when race is exactly what it is all about.
You might wish it wasn’t while living in your fantasy clouds and peddling your America is filled with angels and heroes Happy Books to your easily conned Fox viewers but you should stop the “we won the Hispanic vote spin,” get out more and smell the real world.
I have also wrote about education for years, how moronic to strive getting “the children” back into the same Indoctrination Laboratories you (finally) spend all day whining about.
Stop sympathizing for the athletes and stop funding Football and Basketball of which would de-fund The Institutions but you don’t have the balls which is why you have had to adjust your daily lineup including an increase in the clown content which is what clown acts do, cover up personal deficiencies and in this case, to not admit that you lost the war.
Back to immigration, I had said for years to militarize the border and occupy into Mexico. America will now become even more violent. No “compromises” absent a secure border, iron clad internal security and all who can be deported are in fact deported. Then and only then shall there be a small Amnesty for the few Aliens and Fugitive Children who remain.
April 19, 2021 6:29am
March 29, 2021
The Fox GOP Mouths Are All Talk No Action Cowards
You can go to the border forever but that’s as weak as the dime a dozen bills and “deport only the “criminal aliens.” Those too afraid to mention Black Lives Matter are also too cowardly to use the word Deportation.
Grandparents will die soon, deport the children. Real Americans are tired of "their" hospitals used as playgrounds and campsites, Red States should Mandate jail time and fines for all who harbor Illegal Children.
You will not hear that from those who peddle Happy Books and Christmas underwear or from the highly touted demented babbler who said “it’s not about race anymore,” it’s been about race since creation of The Universes.
March 29, 2021 6:23am
March 22, 2021
Stop The Photo Ops McCarthy And Start The Deportations Talks
This Faux Fox GOP outrage is amusing, they had control, and blew it, most in fact advocated [for] DACA including Bill McGurn who recently stated he wants more immigration of which should halt for 10 years.
You have all wanted my input but I posted plenty for decades while Fox wanted more workers and voters, look how blue the southwest is now, Trump chose to not meet even obama’s deportation levels, and still lost.
These children are illegal, they are little brown aliens, ALL of the children should be chipped like dogs, tagged like cattle and wear an ankle bracelet like the little criminals that they are before they are all deported.
March 22, 2021 6:47am
March 8, 2021
Off My T V Cuomo You Greasy Bastard
Fox also carried his daily hours of hearing himself talk. Any father might do the unthinkable if confronted with a preyed upon daughter who should be with a nice young man not someone that obviously reeks of grease.
Not a big Stones fan, though my favorite is Shattered. New York will take decades to be hospitable. Black Lives Matter, not Antifa, is well funded and needs removed and De Blasios’ wife handed the mop and bucket.
The accused MAGA groups should rearrange priorities, the Antifa mantra is not the bigger issue, Black Lives Matter has much more funding together with even having members in congress resulting in no push back from the GOP.
March 8, 2021 6:55am
February 15, 2021
President Trump Found Innocent Of Insurrection Farce
I advocated for years (also read 1/11 and 1/18) that the best way to quiet a bully is a fat lip and a dose of their own medicine for recovery. This point in history, if played right, can make for a much better America.
Hannity has “never supported boycotts” but will now take all of the credit. The left will continue to operate with impunity until they are hit hard with a relentless one voice mantra and subsequently lose, their members.
As I have said it is never good to get into a boxing match but sometimes, for the betterment of all, punching back and drawing blood is the only way to end a conflict. The left will not stop until they, are bleeding.
February 15, 2021 6:44am
January 25, 2021
GOP Concerned More With Oil Than Dead Cops Insurrectionists
Wisconsin was incinerated yet Ron Johnson is too shivering to even mention the word Black in fear of offending house Blacks The Black Vote does not mean you have to do as the left does and ignore Violence.
The anarchists are multiracial shouting Black Lives Matter not “Antifa” submitted by Fox’ click baiters. Writing (A) does not make me, “Antifa,”
The isolated acts are nothing more then street thugs, the violence is clearly perpetrated by those losers who have been imported then not able to made it good in America and are now acting out for the reason of being life’s losers.
January 25, 2021 6:48am
January 18, 2021
Did Pig Troth Republicans Ever, Have Any Nuts
The Fox contributors are also mousey and do not intimidate anyone, sitting in their little news rooms cubicles have made them weak if not already, the collective right needs to pull their heads out of the Shirley Temple clouds and realize it is not the gentile 1950s.
No one is afraid Byron York Bill McGurn Michael Goodwill or Ari Fleischer, all weak.
The Impotent Jebbie Nuts may increase viewer base with the left but voters are also frustrated with Fox which is now 70% liberal lunatic and have lost every social issue.
Nikki Haley was the first to fall into The Black Lives Matter Insurrection Trap, she voluntarily removed history which only incited, the true terrorists. I posted at the time it was just the beginning while the removal was cheered by The Impotent Jebbie Nuts.
The Black Lives Matter Insurrectionists are the ones burning The Constitution, I guess destroying history and The Terrorist Attack on The Supreme Court isn’t Insurrection.
A rock fight with a neighbor is never good but in just recent scriptures I had warned against being on the constant defensive. The left attacks at will because they know all the Fox entitled snowflakes do is whine to mommy that the big bad left is picking on ‘em.
Fox claims to be the biggest and most watched yet spends it’s time responding, perhaps at least that will keep their hair from getting mess up, wouldn’t want that to happen.
Stop blaming the left and blame The GOP for not denouncing The, Systemic Terrorists.
Where are, the GOP, no one ever sees ‘em, Fox has on same handful, Gov Hogan is a CNN lunatic with a fantasy that he will be president, and all should be called out for not denouncing the violence committed by The True Insurrectionists, Black Lives Matter.
Sen. Lankford and Kevin McCarthy are now being controlled by The Insurrectionists
Cori Bush and Stacey Abrams, McCarthy would sell his own mother for power and it is
just a matter of time before The Impotent Jebbie Nuts apologize, for their whiteness.
Adam Kinzinger is a Punk, was always a Punk, will always be a Punk, and flying around in his little airplane for a couple of years did not make him, not a Punk.
Liz Cheney should be sent to Iraq to search for Weapons of Mass Destruction.
America and the GOP may have to suffer defeats until the latter, do what we tell them.
January 18, 2021 6:29am
January 11, 2021
President Trump Incited Nothing, I Fully Support The Constitutional Gathering
Limited time and not being a paid go to commentator and posting my scriptures only on Mondays of which are usually forward information leaves me at a disadvantage however when events need quick guidance. It took a while but some are finally on the right track.
I also called the elections including Georgia and losing the Senate, long warned about socialism and the so called right wing media that times do not adopt well to high school goof offs and using the stale nightly scripts about Michael Flynn, dossiers, decade old Clinton emails and the peddling of Joy Boy Cook Books and Christmas Underwear.
I, as everyone knows, am here for the betterment of all, choose my positions based on individual issues and, because it’s weak, never use the word but to expose the hypocrites.
Violence is always wrong as it was when The Blacks Lives Matter Terrorists engaged in acts throughout 2020 of which The Republican Cowards were few and far between and find it easier to blame whites and but lack the courage to mention Black Lives Matter.
The Cowards have a knack and are quick to blame their own voters first however hence the Georgia loss for lack of participation as many had vocalized at the recent gathering.
The roughly 75 million will stay home in future elections and should if their issues
are not addressed of which include No DACA, No immigration and No Foreign Aid of which it took Fox Favorite Lindsey Graham 5 minutes after the election to offer DACA.
The GOP mantra already started, “give us back power,” we might actually do something.
The Fun And Games Network is also full of weak Jebbie establishment opportunists including Karl Rove and the WSJ only on board for four years while it filled their troths.
Those worrying about “what the world thinks” I say SO WHAT, perhaps “The World” should then return all of that Foreign Aid and stop feeding at The American Troth.
The left is relentless and doing what it does and learned from The Clinton Play Book, claim unity while breaking knee caps. Hop Along Joe also failed to mention The Black who calmly walked away un-accosted with a $2,000 500 pound refrigerator.
The GOP offer for “unity” should include that Black Lives Matter Plaza be sandblasted and renamed and for all of The Black Lives Matter Terrorists be impeached including
Kamala Harris who is more guilty for violence than President Trump will ever be.
January 11, 2021 6:51am
February 8, 2021
The GOP Once Again Kowtows And Kneels To Domestic Terrorists
There is no doubt The Left is controlling every aspect of the social and media culture, so you cut that out you big ole mean lefties, don?t you know you are not playing by McConnell?s [prudent] ?playbook.?
Gee that?ll scare ?em, so does expecting Byron York Bill McGurn and the two faced anti Trump Karl Rove WMD crowd to save the GOP. There is no reason to think The Impotent Jebbie Nuts will grow any balls after 2022?
Marjorie Taylor Green For President, I never supported most of what she said but at least she had the balls which is more than the collective GOP. Most of the evidence linking Trump voters to the capital protest is faulty.
February 8, 2021 6:45am
February 1, 2021
While Fox Peddled Cook Books Turkey Fryers And Christmas Underwear
The school board are not the only lunatics nor is the father the only one fed up with Loudoun County. Davison v Randall was a suit against The County Board who were dismissed but not Randall.
Davison was also a Loudoun Local engaged to hold officials accountable and Randall had deleted Davison?s comments from her ?official? Facebook because he dared to post critical comments.
These restrictions are no longer rare or few and far between, the co called right wing media, now whining to their mommies about The State of The Union, were too busy acting like joy boy clowns to keep America from the deep end.
February 1, 2021 6:33am
January 4, 2021
Pig Sty Toomey Wants It Targeted, Like Defunding Border Security
The Cowards have done just as much damage and to erase American history including blaming Antifa instead of Black Lives Matter. The stale "bill's not perfect? is as weak as their media. If 10 issues, take 10 votes.
$2,000 per household under $50,000, there is only one rent, children can wait for new a video game and the people in food lines, are all fat. scotttcollins.com/pig-sty-toomey.html
No doubt that these are hard times for many but I am of the mind that perhaps it is time that America go on a diet both financially and in consuming less calories. At least however those handing out food do so absent the usual, junk food.
January 4, 2021 6:49am
December 26, 2022
Yes, Arkansas, Tennessee, Dakotas, Carolinas, Iowa, Kentucky
Mitch’s Bitches including Fox Favs Graham and Cotton are Traitors to America and should be tried for Treason for voting for, The Invasion. Blaming the left will only again lose 2024, run against The Senate.
Before Abbott and Costello, I had said send The Aliens home if not, to red states and for decades, deploy The Military. The Traitors will demagogue and should be blamed but Fox has no one of integrity to do so.
December 26, 2022 6:33am
December 19, 2022
Put Down The Bottle Mitch, Stop The Spending
Kentucky Bourbon Mitch and his Common Ground Possie are the reason for losing The Senate and America being Invaded. It is your incompetence Mitch, you had no plans, no agenda… and still don’t.
Kentucky Bourbon Mitch has done nothing to save America. Oz lost because he was never a conservative and spent months whining about debating then sat with Susan Collins promising Common Ground.
December 19, 2022 6:20am
December 12, 2022
Just Another Black Criminal Let Out Of Prison
Also a given is The Senate Losers that take their marching orders from the leftist media and blame others for being anti-Constitutional when they violate The Second Amendment. Cornyn, Really? Romney, Really?
Mr. Trump was President, unlike T V talkers and Jebbie Nut Howdy Doody Youngkin or Common Ground Sununu (whose father was also a retard as was H W), voters will not want another North East Liberal.
December 12, 2022 6:12am
November 28, 2022
The Murdochs Are Morons
Mr. Trump should listen to The Fox WSJ Meltdown Rove Jebbie Nuts this time and stay out of Georgia until after the election then blame them. Fox won’t win another election until The Murdoch Morons clean house.
On The Eastern Front, I also said the war would not last forever, it won’t, it would cost Trillions to rebuild, it will, and unlike east coast Morons and media punks, to [not] ban [Russian] oil, use it to rebuild Ukraine.
November 28, 2022 6:44am
November 21, 2022
Biden Said End Coal And Drilling, And Won, Twice
The Left should ram through Wind Fall Profits and more restrictive permitting not less. Gov Whitmer, like Biden with Keystone XL, was also given a mandate to send her pipeline to the scrap heap of history.
The Fox Clowns just spent 2 years using the same tired “green” mantra script and also lost Pennsylvania. Fox once again proved that entertaining The Louisiana Duck Crowd is popular but also loses elections.
November 14, 2022 6:33am
November 14, 2022
“The “Calvary” Exposed As Nothing But A Horses Ass
Mr. Trump is not to blame for the disappointment, Fox gave each candidate free commercials for an entire month hoping for a Tsunami but as I said, no one takes a network consisting of a fake wrestler and clown acts seriously.
I also said offer an agenda which McConnell and “expert” Rove rejected. Gen Z is also not impressed with Oil. Take this as a warning Fox, all you are good at is looking in the mirror while sucking your own dicks.
November 14, 2022 6:19am
October 31, 2022
I Agree With Tlaib, De-Fund The Oil Industry
The Dinosaur Calvary won't halt government for 200,000 border troops or a Deportation Force only for Oil Oil Oil oh and, Tax Cuts. Fox says they will hold republicans accountable, for a few days, until 2024.
ALL blue states and local officials should [ban] [all] gas engines by 2035 and [all] funding and permitting for [all] pipelines especially Keystone XL and [all] funding for [all] local businesses along the routes.
October 31, 2022 6:44am
October 3, 2022
“The Cavalry” Caves, Spending “Bill Not Killed”
No sober person believes 1980’s tax cuts will save America though it does make another Fox Sham Wow informercial. Tax cuts have never lowered The Debt, never, Fox hero Liz Truss is also cut off at the pass.
Gov Newsome and Bill Clinton are exactly right, where are the Democrats other than their own 24/7/730 Jan. 6 mantra. The economy was good only because Powell pulled a Justice Roberts and needed love.
October 3, 2022 6:44am
September 26, 2022
America Will Remain Third World Until It Deports All Non-Americans
Abbott and Costello claim they “called it an “invasion” for years.” Fox’ “common ground” Rob Portman Wannabees and it’s Economic Schizophrenic "Experts" have also said “we need immigrant workers.”
McCarthy’s “Commitment,” “The Calvary?” obama kicked Trump’s ass who wants “only the bad ones” deported. Kushner initiated America’s demise when he unchained the animals and opened the zoo gates.
September 26, 2022 6:22am
September 12, 2022
Fox, GOP Agenda; Stop Alien Invaders…No, Less Taxes, More Oil!
We never hesitated buying The Highlander when Bree mentioned she wanted a new SUV of which we drive down to visit her friends who also have EVs and as I said, we make only one stop between points.
I, am always on the side of history unlike Fox’ Incandescent Bulb Clowns. Fossil fuel vehicles also run out of gas and need batteries. Tundras however go 700 miles, 150s, Silverados even Hummers get similar.
September 12, 2022 6:33am
September 5, 2022
Biden Eats Republican Lunch
Fox whines a lot but loses elections because it lacks the anchors and journalists to get serious answers. Biden campaigns while No Agenda Mitch and Karl Rove’s Impotent Jebbie Nuts hide in the basement.
No Oil Infrastructure until I get a Sweeping Coast to Coast Deportation Agenda and not from Fox Clowns but The Basement Cowards, even Blackburn’s family has illegal immigrunts thus the problem, no balls.
September 5, 2022 6:55am
August 29, 2022
“The Calvary Is Coming,” Really? The Republicans?
There’s the tale about the two rodents crossing the river. I blame the GOP and the comedy and tabloid network for no platform. The stale, “green new deal religious cult” failed and Oversight is not an agenda.
Kentucky Bourbon Mitch and his half rack of rum dumbs should stop blaming others and actually create an agenda. Baldwin Dicaprio Stelter Fauci and Paul Pelosi entertains trailer trash but won’t get out voters.
August 29, 2022 6:45am
August 8, 2022
I, Will Not Allow A Republican Senate
I was first of course, April 19 2021, upper left, to state McCarthy, though lacks an agenda, will be speaker by default but the Rove “offer no agenda” Senate, other than Oil, does not deserve to become majority.
I often said, all talk Republicans could stop the invasion in a heartbeat with a funding shutdown and a Mass Deportation Bill. Fox’ Schizophrenic Hypocrites however whine DACAs might actually be deported.
August 8, 2022 6:33am
July 25, 2022
Fox Is Great At Being Clowns But Should Stop Lying To Viewers
Fox oppose LED 15 years ago in favor of incandescent while I, supported the move thus was first to use all LED also at Christmas which are 98% efficient and stay cool. EVs aren’t a solution, only an evolution.
As I last posted, women love their full size ESUVs and just driving into their garages to safely power up. We traveled to The Sherman Oaks area to visit family recently in her Toyota and made only three stops.
July 25, 2022 6:53am
July 18, 2022
Most Women Are Not Gas Station Skanks
Fox’ worst nightmare, falling Oil prices. Americans like cheap energy, not Oil, The Left is not making their arguments however, McConnell has no agenda and McCarthy makes promises that won’t become law.
I posted decades ago that republicans should steal and adopt as their own all new energy sources along with the subsequent benefits. All of the wonderful MILFS I meet hate gas stations and love their ESUVs.
July 18, 2022 6:33am
June 27, 2022
Slowing Economy Renders Unnecessary Fox’ Binky
Prices are tanking and more oil will be bottlenecked yet The Drill Baby Drill Glue Sniffing Retards that also adding Trillions to the debt have been dirtying their diapers since the cancellation of Keystone.
The 24/7 Gas and Oil Network can’t explain where the “900,000” barrels a day” from Fox’ new found friend Justin Trudeau will be refined nor why Fox is trying to contaminate the water of Native Americans.
June 27, 2022 6:45am
May 30, 2022
The Subway Killer And Ramos, Are Not White Supremacists
The Second Amendment is as essential as The First Amendment et al and I, am not a firearm enthusiast. Fox' Jebbie Nuts fail to hold weak Republicans accountable, Internal Security and Deportations lack.
I would support a restriction if attached to a bill ending guaranteed birthright, healthcare and education for Alien Invaders, codified by the “Racists” blamed even for the now increasing black and brown killers.
May 30, 2022 6:33am
May 23, 2022
I, Have No Problem With Venezuelan Oil
The Republicans are as much to blame as the administration for the lack of Deportations Legislation and voting to destroy the global economy then expecting good results or ever, becoming president.
More importantly, Facebook’s new format put my posts out of whack, I like everything as perfect as the universe. I used to post videos, the entire world loves my pages yet the upper grid shows only 3 views?
May 23, 2022 6:44am
May 16, 2022
“Ban The Oil” “Ban The Oil” “Ban The Oil”
The Fox Oil Lobby, which includes the drill baby drill glue sniffers from the prior administration that added Trillions to the debt, screwed their own 401Ks hoping Europe would come beg for The Keystone Pipeline.
Another Fox Fav, anti-American Nikki Haley, initiated the destruction of historical sites and is back to destabilize the economy and increase the decrease in living standards but will now, never be president.
May 16, 2022 6:33am
May 16, 2022
Offer Vladimir The Land Bridge
In The Real Estate land realm, when acreage or plat is sub divided into parcels or lots etc in the more rural areas, a parcel may get landlocked, if no "public" access exists, a neighbor offers a conditional “easement.”
The path would be for global betterment only, monitored by Ukraine, no land would be “annexed” and Russia would pay Ukraine for the continuous use with restitutions but All Sanctions, would be removed.
May 16, 2022 6:33am
May 9, 2022
401Ks Losing, Vladimir, Is Winning
As I warned, The Market tanked after Europe gave notice it will ban Russian oil, advocated by Big Oil and The Impotent East Coast Idiots that apparently have an inferiority complex to Vladimir Putin.
The Collins Doctrine, unlike those saying Kyiv would fall, simply said The Skirmish Won’t Last Forever and sanctioning Oil was a, bad idea. Teach Big Oil a lesson, supply The EU with Solar Panels, and Windmills.
May 9, 2022 6:50am
May 2, 2022
Get Serious And Mass Deport And Stop Conning Voters
Anti-American Fox allow Republicans to also be guilty and complicit for the invasion, the time is ripe to attach a Deportation Plan and trade ban with Mexico to Ukraine aid and stop the decades long con jobs.
Crime won’t end until deportations begin but Ted Cruz, Chip Roy, Pencil Neck Cotton and hicks like Kennedy are All Hat No Cattle while McConnell, Rep Waltz and Fox personnel have anti-American spouses.
May 2, 2022 6:52am
April 25, 2022
The Collins Doctrine Is Already, Being Vindicated
The educated agree with me, HR 7108 and 6968 passed by Congress will do little but harm the economy and Europe should only slowly reduce it’s imports not listen to The Oil Lobby or Talk T V Ass Sitters.
NY/DC Monkey See Monkey Do ban the oil "that's just how D C is" Johnnie One Notes also produced a 30 Trillion Debt and social security issue Republicans had said would be funded by millions of Immigrunts.
April 25, 2022 6:20am
April 18, 2022
China Mexico And Republicans Then Commit “Genocide”
Americans are singled out and killed by the 100,000s but Republicans do not ban trade with China or food and “Oil” from Mexico because the anti-American Schizophrenics think Ukrainian lives are worth more.
The Declaration of War Republicans passed and Biden signed is a blow to future presidential powers and trade with Russia. The New Permits will only help Big Oil not the left in 2022 nor will it stop a recession.
The demented old man referred to as “president” will be the worst official ever elected to national office and was pressured into drilling on public lands, he is a national embarrassment and should now resign.
April 18, 2022 6:34am
April 11, 2022
Congress Just Declared War For A Neighborhood Squabble
Vladmir would love to destabilize the world economy and Congress is more than willing to help. By declaring economic war, Congress just guaranteed a recession and saddled Americans with Trillions of debt.
Foreign invaders also rape loot and incinerate structures in America and more have died from Fentanyl than so far in Ukraine. History will vindicate The Collins Doctrine, restrict profits but keep supplies stable.
Vladimir, my man, don’t “threaten” customers, keep market share by making goods and services irresistibly assessable and affordable. Making it harder to obtain a good or service will just force customers to go elsewhere.
April 11, 2022 6:29am
April 4, 2022
The Collins Doctrine: Buy More, Russian Oil
My, proposal to lockbox. escrow a percentage of Russian Oil sales to rebuild Ukraine gets wide support and by, The Ukrainians. Americans should not pay Trillions just to make Keystone Pipeline lunatics happy.
Also widely supported is my proposal to put all of the new immigrunts (Fox has not pressured their party to address) to work manufacturing and installing solar panels and charging stations, not Oil Pipelines.
Fox and The Republicans are all about personal liberty and property rights except when it comes to Oil. They are advocating for Americans to give up their property rights to a Canadian Company and for Oil meant for China.
April 4, 2022 5:10am
March 28, 2022
The Skirmish Won’t Last Forever, Either Will Sanctions
The Fox Oil Lobbing Network has their agenda, if the rest of the incandescent minded east coast pee brains thought past five minutes, instead of subsequent aid, use Russian Oil revenues to rebuild Ukraine.
The Fox Oil Lobbying Network will use any excuse to entrench their backass agenda, producers purposely wait until America makes strides then reduce rates. Never allow any, new permanent infrastructure.
I have also recently said that because of the none action on the border and lack of legislation I will never support anything Republican especially Oil, not a Greenie but Oil is old news, move on, The Republicans are stuck in the 50s.
March 28, 2022 6:45am
March 14, 2022
Peter Pipers Pickled Pecker
Pickled Pecker Peter Piper asks the same questions. Fox’ new prop, The Premier, just wants a conduit for filthy oil meant for China. No credible network sends out clowns to broadcast “just “turn on” Keystone.”
The Wusses are jsut sore Biden took away their little baby bowl of Cheerios. Mnuchin and Kudlow also caused inflation, remember Kudlow’s “heck we could spend 1, 2, 3, 4 Trillion” and “because rates are low.”
Fox thinks they’re being cute by allowing Republicans to show more concern for Oil thus I would not put the immigrunts in oil fields but in factories to manufacture then install solar panels windmills and E Vs.
March 14, 2022 6:33am
March 7, 2022
Opec+ Can Keep Market Share By Flooding With Cheap Oil
I, will be once again, vindicated. It is not about "morality" or restraining Putin but reviving the dinosaur agenda by The Cockroach, opportunists. Trade keeps
communications open more important, in times of war.
I, agree then to a mass increase from, The Iranians. “Fair and Balance” never asks The Tribes or Jane Kleeb about Pipelines in their yard. A Rig here was chased out because we, in the N W, are special, and blessed.
No sane person likes loss of any life, the private sector has taken action but banning oil does nothing, Oil is not being supplied to Russia and cash does not fuel their transports, they can still conduct their intentions.
March 7, 2022 6:50am
May 23, 2022
The New COVID-19 Cases In Washington State
The statewide average of cases over the past seven days is 228 per 100,000 people, keeping Washington in the state Department of Health’s highest-risk category for the spread of COVID-19, The Spokesman-Review said Saturday.
Epidemiological curves show the number is still climbing, the newspaper reported.
Gov. Jay Inslee said Wednesday the best projections from health officials show there is likely to be a plateau in the relatively near future.
The most recent statewide data, complete through the week of May 11, shows the average percent in the last week of hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients is still at one of its lowest points in the pandemic, at about 6%. But it is increasing. At its peak in January, that number was almost 32%.
Inslee on Friday issued updated guidance for vaccine requirements for state employees, lifting the requirement for outdoor volunteers and contractors whose work does not involve delivery of health care services. Those can include landscapers, wildland firefighters and construction workers.
The vaccine requirement for all other state employees remains in effect, and Inslee on Wednesday said he would not be lifting it anytime soon.
All of you that think it is not cool or too bothersome or that you are just a plain wise guy to wear a mask, just think how cool or bothersome or tough you are when you are in the hospital
May 23, 2022 5:29am
February 28, 2022
As I Requested, The Keystone Pipeline Is Sold, For Scrap
Fox is lying again as it just did with the Durham investigation, Keystone can not just be, “restarted,” “voted on” by Cockroach Republicans, never carried the filthy oil and each pump station needs a separate permit.
Fox is only concerned with their 401Ks, higher wages will compensate for gas and business owners can deduct a new electric fleet, I rotate between 150s and the more cosmetic, Silverado. I may also now try, a Musk.
Fox’ Keystone Oil Network must not win, I supported LED 12 years ago when the morons opposed discontinuing incandescent, and lost. The trophy generation babies never got over the pipeline cancellation and their loss.
February 28, 2022 6:45am
February 21, 2022
Cockroach Republicans Came Out Of The Wood Work
The Cockroaches came out and nibbled on my crumbs, I have never seen so much of the roughly 265 Cockroaches, a whole dozen are now on Fox not about the border, deportations or 100,000 dead kids, Oil.
The Cockroaches do not represent Truckers but Trudeau’s, Tar Sands. I had contacted TC Energy three years ago regarding Native Americans being Raped and to warn them of my wand and that lightning, will strike.
Biden then halted the thing and I have no sympathy for those who continue voting for the do nothing Cockroach Republicans who only came out of their wood work to protect their own interests not that of Americans.
February 21, 2022 6:29am
February 14, 2022
McConnell And Meltdown Rove Say Let Americans Die
The prop is cute but The Rove Approach arguably lost 2000, 2008, 2012 and 2020. “Keep” America Great reverted to “Make” America Great” only after I said to. Biden hid in the basement but at least he, had a platform.
I, would not block sanctions but would block funding the Govt, hasten the destruction of The Keystone Pipeline, Lines 3 and 5 and Dakota Access, and regulate The McConnell Portman Bridge to hell until I, see a platform.
I had contacted TC Energy two years ago regarding the raping of Native Americans and warned them of my wand. Biden then halted the thing. I have no sympathy for those who continue voting for the do nothing republicans.
February 14, 2022 6:22am
February 7, 2022
The Wusses Appeasing Their New Viewer Base, The Left
I had said The Administration is the Racist in history, it's not about votes but make America like The Del Rio Bridge and Africa where the darkest, blackest and poorest
women in gowns carry baskets of laundry to rivers.
As I said, no whites, blonds or even Canadians are allowed in. I did not create The Anti White Racists but for cheap viewers, Fox spent 2020 blaming Antifa Antifa Antifa not Black Lives Matter to also even the score.
Apparently, reports are that due to the increasing liberal content including Lincoln Project wannabes and Jebbie Nuts, Fox has a new base. Anyone surprised, the Wusses mock The Trophy Generation yet whom they are the quintessential.
February 7, 2022 6:48am
January 31, 2022
$1,000 + $1,000 = $2,000
I had offered $1,000 to anyone that heard a Republican on the pretend anti open borders network propose real security like mass deportations and the sending of troops and now to anyone ever seeing a white.
I long said “it’s about race” not class“ nor is it about votes or Europeans would be encouraged by the Millions. Diverting flights and deporting men but not the fat worthless and pregnant system draining lumps is Wussy.
I had also said this is the most racist administration in history, the goal is to make America look like the darkest, blackest, poorest holes in Africa where the women walk to the river with baskets of laundry on their heads.
January 31, 2022 6:22am
January 24, 2022
I Agree With Biden, What Are, The Republicans For?
Perhaps Biden agrees with me, I have been asking that for years now. Gov Sununu however disagrees with fellow Jebbie Nut Rove who said only last week for The GOP to do nothing just let the left self destruct.
Platitudes are weak, if The Wusses don't make The GOP introduce bills to force the left to oppose mass deportations and the sending of troops then they too allow Border Bandits to think it's open season in America.
The reason Soccer moms are not concerned about immigration is because they are as bad a baseball dads who would rather keep fat boy Taco Paco Gonzales Hernandez behind the plate to help win their little league games.
January 24, 2022 5:51am
January 10, 2022
Add Ted Cruz To My WNBP List
Pencil Neck Cotton was added to my list months ago when he promised The Cartels that he would never deport illegal immigrants. The shots by Cruz were clearly aimed at Mr. Trump but managed to hit his own foot.
My $1,000 is safe, emails only mocked The Fun Boys that are inhabiting The Wuss Network as guilty as the left for the invasion of infected kids making American Children sick, Republicans offer nothing, polls tanking.
The email is overwhelming that Fox and the Republican Party are nothing but do nothing talkers, they had total control and did nothing but appoint judges of which like I said how well has or will that work out if given power again?
January 10, 2022 6:33am