National Issues 2023-2025




December 18, 2023

The Gremlins Are No Longer Just Cute Little Brown Aliens

I, unlike the vituous jackasses on their high horses that favored immigration but now taking credit for predicting the sun rises in the east, had warned of the coming destruction of America for decades.

The, “Statute of Liberty,” “a nation of immigrunts,” “we need workers” and “deporting is not who we are” is as stale as Republicans whom want(ed) amnesty for The Smash and Grab Car Jacking DACA Terrorists.

December 18, 2023 6:33am

December 11, 2023

Grow Nuts, Shut It Down, Or Shut The Hell Up!

The Cons that will [now] claim credit for predicting Terrorists acts were as weak as Dickless Republicans. Hannity said for years he “wanted a wall with a, “big door” and “does not care where migrunts are from.”

MacDonald, “loves immigrunts” and Bartiromo peed herself with “we want a diverse country” when a border expert merely mentioned, “Deportations.” Voters will get tired of talk absent substantive action.

December 11, 2023 6:49am

November 20, 2023

Clueless Fox Even Touts, Adams, A Clear Anti White Racist

Mr. Trump will have enough trouble with his own Schizophrenic Media that complaints a lot yet shouts “we love immigrunts” “we want a diverse country” and wet themselves when Deportation is mentioned.

The "common ground fair and balanced" appeasement model sells books and gets praising tweets from The Terrorist Migrunts grateful for The Wussy Network of which however discourages republican voters.

 November 20, 2023 6:30am

November 6, 2023

Still Blaming Antifa Antifa Antifa Is Lunacy

“Antifa” must now be world wide and Palestinian. The ignorant and timid also blamed “outside agitators,” white boys, inanimate objects anything but The True Terrorist Thugs in 2020 only to lose, White Mothers.

Those with heads in their virtuous asses should put down the apple pie if "surprised" non white migrunts were [not] just here to provide taco stands and cha cha music after ridding their Dirty DACA Diapers.

November 6, 2023 6:22am

October 30, 2023

The Magnificent 8, Did Great, MAGA, Alive And Well

The Magnificent 8 Did Great for not settling on Compromising Appeasing, “read my lips” so I can raise your taxes anyway Liberal Lunatic Republicans. As I said in January, this too was only a drop in the ocean.

The Magnificent 8, Did Great for not kowtowing to East Coast Media or it’s pre-scripted news cycles and teleprompters. The Border needs “funding” for Deportations, not wire cutters and diaper changers.

October 30, 2023 6:33am

October 9, 2023

Pass The 30% And HR 2 Down McConnell’s Throat

I wasn't going to post for a while but only anti MAGA Bush Sununu Hogan types supporting Hakeem can be blamed for The Hamas Terrorists and for taking orders from Liberal Lunatics not The Magnificent 8.

The “just pass something” led to 33 T and HR 2 however is just a start, work permits make E verify moot, 68% want Deportations. Bret Baier’s “common ground” nonsense was an Historical, Road Show Debacle!

 October 9, 2023 6:44am

October 2, 2023

Bar Biden Under Sec 3

McConnell Hochul Adams and Republican Leadership et al should be barred if not humiliated out of office for being Modern Day Slave Holders as I have said and for not stopping The Insurrection.

McConnell gives no speeches to cut spending or stop The Invasion only that “we need more workers” just so he, McConnell, can build the McConnell Portman Bridge and keep staffed his Bourbon Industry.

I had said in my prior Doctrine McCarthy was a “used car salesman,” he has just sold America, a jalopy. No credible person can honestly put forth that in 45 days things will be better. It is a sad state when those wanting to "reduce" debt, are chastised as The Pariahs.

Unlike it’s media, I, do not think increasing spending while yet providing no Invasion Control is a success. I, have always lived by the notion that you can not discipline a neighbor’s child, the left will be the left, if the democrats, disguised as republicans, are not credibly held accountable, nothing will ever change.

The right should be doing everything in it's power to keep America, America.

Time is infinite, America is not.

No legislation granting work permits or asylum absent first Mandatory Deportations.

I said for years America will no longer be a “shining city on a hill,” Tim Scott’s, “raised by a single mother” thus “America is great” is hollow and 2%, no sane person can look at The Debt, Demographic Change, Crime or Invasion under the hope, fantasy and delusion that “it is in not about race anymore” when that, is exactly what it is about, if it were 10 Million Affluent Whites, The Border would be iron clad in 24 hours.

The revelation the left hates and wants to Destroy America with Debt and Migration I have posted on for years with resistance but only from the, oddly, Right's Talking Virtuous under the idea it was an outlier.

Again others are making fortunes and celebrity over something my posts were pooh poohed for. It is Pathological and Psychotic to hate one’s country so much, to allow so much destruction, so much chaos.

Crime is, as I long said, Reparations, for the entire third world, protect yourselves, they’re comin.

October 2, 2023 6:44am

September 18, 2023

The Courts Agree With Me, NO DACA

The Common Ground Wusses have all wanted DACA under the erroneous thinking the “kids” are all just such sweet and innocent little babies here to serve umbrella drinks yet crime stats, prove otherwise.

I, always opposed DACA. “Deportation” should be discourse and, a threat. Africa harbors more scammers than Russia Republicans are just as guilty if they don’t immediately stop the modern day slavery.

September 18, 2023 6:50am

September 4, 2023

McCarthy Has Broken All Promises

Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk is all Republicans and [their] media do. McCarthey promised to secure the border, cut spending and no more C Rs, not one promise is kept nor have the talkers mentioned, “deportations.”

 While their network is only [increasing] their comedian clown content the Senate is 51/49, lost Georgia, House margin slim and still dream of winning votes of migrunts and 6’ 2’’ 120 lb Somali purse snatchers.

September 4, 2023 6:33am

August 21, 2023

I, Not No One, Called For The Military 13 Years Ago

Joni Ernst should put down The Horse Shit On A Stick and actually Secure The Border which is what Iowans want. Allowing America to be Invaded by Millions of Enemy Combatants is, Senatorial Treason.

I was also deadly serious recently about the fence mounted automatic weapons and Decades that these cute little brown people are not choir boys. Crime only increased with Migration and Legalizing Drugs.

August 21, 2023 6:33am

August 14, 2023

The Republicans Don’t Deserve The Majority 

The Squirrel Nuts blamed Mr. Trump and his choice of candidates for 20 and 22 yet Thune and others immediately endorsed Tim Scott whom I said at the time was a sure loser as I said Oz, was also.

If the collective don’t make clear progress on spending and The Invasion by that hostile and enemy force then none of them deserve reelection. Every single combatant should march out just as they marched in. 

August 14, 2023 6:33am

July 31, 2023

Slavery Ended 160 Years Ago, Get Over It!!!

No one alive today or even their “Great" Grandparents would have been enslaved nor entitle those to Smash and Grabs Cashless Bail Cut Rate Mortgages Car Jackings or wheeling out house hold appliances. 

Existence spans billions of years and is more vast than any of you realized making slavery only a mere brief moment in time and speck of dust in history. I said a decade ago Reparations will have many forms.

July 31, 2023 6:49am

July 17, 2023 

The Senate Needs 60 Tubervilles Not 48 Pairs of Squirrel Nuts

Kentucky Bourbon Mitch and his sac of Squirrel Nuts recently popped their heads out of their asses just long enough to Secure the Boarder, No, National Ban on Genital Surgeries for Minors, No, only that Whites, are racists.

 If the left’s definition of Whites, proud of their Heritage, as “White Supremacists,” then Black Lives Matter are defined as, “Black Supremacists.” By the way, I thought McCarthy "promised to "Secure the Border."

July 14, 2023 6:39am

July 3, 2023

Gov Desantis, A Man After My Own Heart

Mr. Trump initiated justice reform, let millions out of prison, spend Trillions and had less deportations than obama. I, long advocated Wall mounted automatic weapons equipped with, motion detectors.

I, also would not have disengaged from Afghanistan but only increased Americas’ presence around the world, not to be confused with endless payment. The military is volunteer and rotation, keeps things fresh.

July 3, 2023 6:49am

June 12, 2023

No Supplemental Absent Mandating I C E And Border Security

If The Squirrel Nuts do not increase I C E Authority and Border Security and support for Mr. Trump, provide no aid, and Tillis them. As I asked 5/5/23, “where was Mitch, Joni, Marsha and The Three Johns.”

This also includes Rove, Thiessen and Gingrich whom made a jackass out of himself primetime 6/7/23. The House shall now, jam The Senate. The, "Espionage," is to vindicate The Russia Collusion Lunatics.

June 12, 2023 6:44am

June 5, 2023

 The Squirrel Nuts Just Handed The Left, Campaign Impetus

 Kentucky Bourbon Mitch and The Squirrel Nuts have nothing on Kerry’s "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." The, “it’s not perfect” is quintessential, East Coast, bipartisanship.

The Squirrel Nuts favor Ole Pal Joe or a (Mr. Magoo) Hogan, Chrissy (Wart Off The Ole Rat’s Ass) Sununu ticket over Both Maga Candidates. “Baby “steps” prolonged Vietnam, The Atomic Bomb, ended WWII.

June 5, 2023 6:33am

May 15, 2023

Where’s Mitch, How About Joni, Marsha And The Three Johns?

 Kentucky Bourbon Mitch took Rove’s 2022 “do nothing say nothing” advice and was not as concerned with Border Security as The McConnell Portman bridge and Shelby’s retirement present from Ole Pal Joe.

 I had said before 2022 unless The Senate forces Border Security I would not allow Mitch to ever again be majority leader and I guarantee, unless I see good use of The Magaphone, lightning indeed, strikes twice.

 May 15, 2023 6:44am

April 24, 2023

Just Look At The Acts Of Violence, At The Border

The Unappreciative, Manipulative and Entitled Terrorists are The DACA “Kids” and Hatchlings not here to be the next Steve Jobs vote Republican or watch Fox then serve their cocktails, but to pillage America.

As I said, Fox and The GOP because it’s always election season won’t offend anyone so like when the left blames guns, Fox blames “Antifa” and expect Real Americans to kiss the asses of 30 Million Illegal Pacos.

April 24, 2023

April 17, 2023

It Took 16 Years But Everyone Now Agrees With Me…

 The Collins Doctrine, found in “photos” and for decades while Fox promoted Cook Books Fake Wrestlers and Comedy Queens, stated that The Military would be necessary to save America from being destroyed.

 No way in Hell should drugs, even Marijuana be legalized, flooding the zone has only created more use, crime and unproductive generations. All Crimes are Skyrocketing and committed by Minority Juveniles.

April 17 2023 6:33am

April 10, 2023

Nikki Haley Showed More Balls Than All Jebbie Nuts Combined

Haley's border talk was pleasingly aggressive but the 18 republicans voting for The 1.7 Trillion could have halted The Invasion yet still appear on Schizophrenic Fox whom is “shocked,” at the dots on the map.”

Mass Jungle Mentality is the single best way of destroying America. All the cute little brown people that The GOP thought were hard working Choir Boys, failed, Patriotism Loyalty and Decency is down, not up.

April 10, 2023 6:23am

January 30, 2023 

Fox’ Compromising Appeasers Still Welcome The 18 Traitors

I will pay $1,000 to anyone that can evidence if those that voted for The 1.7 Trillion yet still allowed on The Jebbie Nut George P P Network have been asked why The 1.7 but not M1 Abrams to The Border. 

Fox' Wusses are more Schizophrenic than ever and the 99% fun games and props, 1% news format, will lose more elections. Fox’ 4% Chrissy Sununu will never be President and not even Texans wanted P P.

March 20, 2023

 Alvin Bragg And Eric Adams Are Black Lives Matter Racists

 Mr. Trump never encouraged supporters to use hammers to smash and grab Jewelry Stores, walk out with 300 pound stolen refrigerators, burn down a Wendy’s nor beating women in The N Y Subway.

 Mr. Trump also never got America into a 20 year war so yes, takek out nation back from East Coast Republicans. Perhaps Pro Abortionist, Pro Amnesty Chrissy Sununu and team with Liz Cheney to search for Karl Rove's WMDs.

March 20, 2023 6:19am

February 27, 2023

John Sununu Was Nothing But A Wart On A Rat’s Ass

Liberal Favorite and Pro Abortionist Chrissy Sununu talks faster than a 9 year old girl and will also be out on his Jebbie Nuts. Compromising Appeaser Johnnie bit the cheese after advising H W to raise taxes.

 Larry Mr. Magoo Hogan has no chance, nor does Glen Mr. Rogers Youngkin nor do others promoted by the Liberals. Tricky Nikki can’t give a straight answer and seems to hate Statues representing White Men.

 February 27, 2023 6:44am

February 6, 2023

I Too, Would Not Have Just “Blown It Out Of The Sky”

Fox’ 18 Traitors are real tough with Inanimate Objects and taking a Bazooka to Bambi but when it comes to those that actually shoot back, The Impotent Wusses, now crying "Sovereignty," shrivel like Cowards. 

America is not being Invaded by a balloon. Though concerning, so is allowing foreigners to buy our land attend our Schools and 30 Million Border Terrorists to now cause more deaths in five years as did Covid.

February 6, 2023 6:22am

January 30, 2023 6:33am

January 16, 2023

 If, That Is, Congress Really Had Balls…

 Oh, The hoarding by Mr, Trump is not nearly as bad as alleged by the H W “Read My Lips” Sununu Crowd whom still infest The Jebbie Nut Compromising Appeaser Network and that gave America, The Clintons.

No one that voted for the 1.7 should ever be allowed on so called Conservative Media, Congress should repeal the entire bill then shove it down The Senate’s Throat thus a debt ceiling increase would be moot. 

January 16, 2023 6:49am

January 9, 2023

 Democracy Need Not Neatly Fit A News Cycle

 Fox' Jebbie Nut Compromising Appeasers are showing [their] true “Conservative” colors by again quickly placing blame yet are responsible for H W, McCain, Romney, and W who, won by a hanging Chad.

Fox' Jebbie Nut Compromising Appeasers' “just pass something” mentality caused The 32 Trillion Debt not including The 1.7 that just Aided and Abetted the enemy by not protecting America from Invasion. 

January 9, 2023 6:44am

March 25, 2024

Permanently Ban Keystone XL And All Extensions

The Biden Administration now needs to issue a irrevocable order deeming the system, hazardous. The Fox, Republicans hypocrite support the sludge that’s designated for Louisiana then to, that’s right, China.

The Midwest pipeline carries the world’s filthiest oil, a sludgy mix of sand, clay, water and black bitumen, three time more likely to leak and Native Americans suffer the consequences and categorically oppose it.

March 25, 2024 6:33am

March 11, 2024

Fox’ Support For Aid And Amnesty Tiring Viewers

Mr. Trump is and will have issues with his own common ground party and media of whom it’s aging swimsuit models also continue pushing Ukraine Aid and Biden’s Amnesty not My HR 2 Laken Riley Bill.

I was the [one], remember, warning “The Cavalry” is [not] coming and oil oil oil tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts will not win 2020 or 2022. Heed my advice or not folks, I’ll be fine, I never did like That Keystone Pipeline.

March 11, 2024 6:22am

March 4, 2024

Rename HR 2 My, “Laken Riley Safety And Border Security Bill”

The Purposefully Feckless anti MAGA Right allows the left to tout The Senate Amnesty Bill and doesn’t counter with “HR 2” and now again wants Dreamer Amnesty for the ever increasing juvenile delinquents.

The comedy and prop network has won the popular vote once in 30 years, peers party with class clowns but copy homework of the smart students. I, would cram my Laken Riley Bill down anti MAGA Throats.

March 4, 2024 6:40am

February 26, 2024

Haley Won’t Run Third Party, She Just Couldn’t Disappoint Her Mother

Mr. Trump is wrong about the party being unified, admit it and ask not only "are you better off today” but where are Senate Republicans and why are The Biden Bastards so anti Making America Great Again?

The WSJ Rove Thiessen McGurn common ground sour grape Jebbie Nut types, (now half of Fox News), may get anti MAGA viewers and rather it be Ole Pal Joe but won't get their beloved Keystone Pipeline.

February 26, 2024 6:54am

February 19, 2024

The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming, Just Kidding

Mike Turner has lips firmly planted on Donor Ass. Voters do not want a Trillion on The Debt whenever Vladimir swats a fly, a child spills their milk, overly hyped “biologics” or Zelensky Blaming America First.

The, “racist” left now supports “Border Security” but only The Senate Bill of which The Collective Right could exploit if it had balls and brains to actually win elections not the ones to voluntarily compromise.

February 19, 2024 6:50am

February 12, 2024

Those Suffering Consequences Sowed The Seeds

The Biden Bastard Bifurcated Border Bill to give greater leverage to Pals of Joe but shall too, be DOA. Republicans granting aid absent Securing America shall also be designated Traitors and tried for Treason.

The Entire Leadership shall resign absent making that case. Fox, had also advocated for mass migration, low deportations. Those juveniles now committing assault were those in Dirty DACA Dreamer Diapers.

February 12, 2024 6:44am

February 5, 2024

Globel Appeasement Is Globel Reparations

The Biden Border Bastards would be thrilled if Third World Terrorists in pick ups dressed in bed sheets and doggie butt wipes wrapping their heads waving around firearms did damaged to American Prestige.

I long said World War III began on 9/11. I also said it is indeed about race as The Pro Hamas Terrorists now evidences. The Anti America Biden Bastards are well beyond Sociopathic and even Psychopathic.

February 5, 2024 6:33am

January 29, 2024

Nikki Haley “Has Never Lost,” But She Just Did, Twice

Haley’s Jebbie Nut, Chrissy Wart Off The Ole Rat’s Ass Sununu, had repeatedly said Mr. Trump would lose and be under 50% in New Hampster. The Leftist’s Darling is also exposed as a Mentally Retarded Jackass.

Mr. Trump will never give cred and debate a two time loser, winners make the rules, not losers. Haley is bitter, vindictive and hysterical. Humorous though, to see Little Man Sununu standing by his woman.

January 29, 2024 6:44am

January 15, 2024

Annoy Senate Republicans, Make America Great Again

Voters want Dead Stop and Deport, Republicans and Fox’ common ground appeasers want E-Verify moot and as I also said for decades, Democrats are afraid of [their] voters, Republicans aren’t afraid of Fox.

Nikki Haley has also become mouthy and very unlikalbe and will do well with The Collective anti MAGA Liberal Lunatics in Woke Territory where Chrissy Wart Off The Ole Rat’s Ass Sununu crowd is at home.

January 15, 2024 6:50am

January 1, 2024

70% [Now] Agree With My Years Of Scripture, Deport, or Resign

The McConnell, Thune, Ernst do nothings shall also authorize troops to Mexico before any aid, or resign. I, however, would support aid and $10 Billion [after] every 1 Million, Immediate, Verifiable Deportees.

Fox' touted "#1" common ground “just pass something” wusses won the popular vote once in 30 years, that “the perfect shouldn’t be the enemy of the good” is also Ole Pal Joe, $34 Trillion, Appeasement Talk.

January 1, 2024 6:16am