June 7, 2018

Pamela Lindquist Is A Nobody

District Court 1 has three vying for the seat cuurently occupied by judge Rick Porter who has held it for several terms and who will be a tough act to follow. Porter had made several early mistakes but has since been mostly unchallenged

Dave Neupert, a former attorney at Platt Irwin Law Firm and current legal counsel for the Peninsula Housing Authority, touts his “experience and the commitment and community involvement that makes me the best candidate for the job right now.”

Neupert did mostly civil work and touts his 20 years at the Platt Irwin firm and his ongoing presence in District Court 1 as a fill in.

Suzanne Hayden, like her husband John Hayden, is a successful criminal defense attorney with Clallam Public Defender for 23 years in county district and superior courts and is endorsed by the highly touted and local attorney, Karen Unger.

Pamela Lindquist on the other hand has no real accomplishments and is perpetually unemployed, she hasn’t had a client in a year, all she does all day is walk around in a daze with her dog around her local neighborhood and drives a 40 year old Ford Truck.

Lindquist has no office, no clients, no practice, but along with her crazy family does manage to stick her nose into things that do not concern her.

She claims that “cleaning garbage in the streets is a way defendants can pay back the community," perhaps she should follow her own advice and clean up her own rental properties that she shares with her lunatic mother

Platt Irwin also produced George Wood and S. Brooke Taylor who was a supporter of Justice Scalia and earlier in his career, should have least been seriously considered for The Washington State Supreme Court if not The Supreme Court Of The United States.

June 7, 2018 7:09am