June 1, 2012

Peninsula Daily News Guilty Of Libel

The slander fest, The Peninsula Daily News, is worth about as much as it's scum reporter, Tom Callas, who vacated town before the ink dried and some say he fled the entire Northwest.

My record is clear, there is no evidence that during my 30 year business I had ever “attacked” anyone “under my “business name” as the rag and it's cockroach Tom Callis reported on January 4 2012.

Quite simply, The Peninsula Daily News found my website site to be a threat as did those of whom in the community may be also be exposed and in which there are not many challenges to the status quo.

I used to comment on their pages and some also took offence to that, I was however complimented by The Clallam County Administrator for "not using an alias."

A Local Leftist and Diagnosed Sociopath and now former City Councilman, did use 100s of aliases to not only comment on the local sites but also sent me tens of perverted emails of which I still have screenshots, he has now moved to Corvallis Oregon and created a Google Blog to libel me and others in Clallam County for what he and his lunatic wife, Dale Holiday, thought were mistreatments.

As for the charges, the confused accuser also had no evidence. The so called "threat" was reported to be in open air space, broad daylight, yelled across several lots in a developed neighborhood yet with no witnesses. The man, accuser, also referred to me, 'Scott' as “Don” (Collins) in his call to dispatch and has a pattern of making other outrageous allegations.

To this day, I never had any contact with this man, accuser, or his family.

There was also no "two hour standoff," a person has a right to remain silent and be secure in his own home and furthermore, once made aware of the police presence and waiting for a warrant before answering the door, I vacated without incident.

The police however conducted an illegal search anyway once I had vacated. I had subsequently learned that the judge had denied the warrant and during the warrant request, conducted via telephone, the officer(s) had committed multiple counts of perjury in an attempt to gain entry and to conduct a search to gather evidence, evidence unrelated to the issue at hand.

Because of the threat allegation however I was in fact detained for 24 hours but due to the lack of evidence, multiple constitutional violations and my pristine record and despite what was reported in the increasingly irrelevant and declining Peninsula Daily News, I was released after the 24 hours.

The felony and concocted “obstructing a police officer” charges were dismissed.

June 1, 2012 6:44am